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The national database of state and local wildfire hazard mitigation programs serves as a clearinghouse of information about nonfederal policies and programs that seek to reduce the risk of loss of life and property through the reduction of hazardous fuels on private lands. If you would like to submit a program to the national wildfire programs database, please complete the following form (MS Word).
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Title: Alachua County, FL -- Wildland/Urban Interface Program
Type: Regulatory
Firewise community recognition programs
Designation of high risk areas
Community Planning
Jurisdiction: County
State: Florida
Program Description: The Alachua County Approach to the Wildland/Urban Interface Problem presents a blueprint for addressing the risks to life and property from wildland fire. The plan's elements include the requirements that all new development in wildland interface and intermix areas must present a mitigation plan for the development; modification of zoning according to wildfire risk; and implementation of a County Fuels Management Program.

  1. The goal of the Alachua County's approach to the Wildland/Urban Interface Problem has several elements:

      A. To form an alliance between improved property owners and the Fire Services for protection of homes and businesses in interface and intermix areas that will reduce or minimize the necessity for a Fire Service presence for structural protection from wildfire.

      B. Require all new development in wildland interface and intermix areas to present a "wildfire mitigation plan" for the development. This plan must be approved by the Fire Department.

      C. To incorporate technology in determining the wildfire risk in all areas of the County and then to modify zoning according to the wildfire risk. Development in "high risk" areas would require more stringent site and structure design, use of non-combustible materials for exteriors of structures, more restrictive landscaping, adequate fire equipment access, supplies of water for fire suppression and structural protection purposes, and requirements for maintenance of required protection features for the life of the improvement.

      D. Implementation of a County Fuels Management Program for all properties owned and/or managed by the County. Prescribed fire would be the principle method used for "natural" maintenance of natural areas. Some areas adjacent to development could benefit from mechanical and herbicide control. These services could be extended to private properties for fee, and to large commercial properties under contract.

      E. Implementation of a Countywide public education and information program to promote the benefits of:

      1. Prescribed fire as a fire safety and land management tool,

      2. Firewise concepts in site design, structure design and exterior materials, landscaping, and emergency access and water supplies,

      3. Introduction and sponsoring of wildland/prescribed educational programs into the School System,

      4. Sponsor of public recognition of "prescribed fire awareness week" and "wildfire awareness week" annually, and,

      5. Sponsorship of Firewise Communities in Florida Workshops in the County.

  2. The process included the following:

      A. Introduction of new language into the County Comprehensive Plan related to new development.

      1. A new section was added to the Conservation & Open Space Element of the County Comprehensive Plan. It has been approved for transmittal to the State Department of Community Affairs for review (early September 2001). We anticipate that DCA will return the proposed Plan to the County in December 2001.

      2. Anticipate that the BoCC will hold public hearings during the 2nd Quarter ofFY 2002 on the proposed Plan and that a Plan will be approved/adopted by the Spring of 2002.

      B. Development of Land Development Regulations (LDR's) for implementation of Comprehensive Plan policy.

      1. Anticipated schedule for this activity is to begin once the Plan is adopted and completed before the end of FY 2002.

      C. Resources to implement these new policies and LDR's is presently scheduled for the FY 2003 Operations and Capital budgets.

      D. Sponsor of Firewise Communities in Florida Workshops in the County to raise the level of understanding of the importance of prevention/mitigation of the wildfire and interface/intermix problem.


      Objective 5.6:

      Protect life, property, and the economy by eliminating or minimizing the present and future vulnerability to wildfire hazards.

      Policy 5.6 Areas of wildfire hazard within Alachua County shall be mapped and ranked using features such as plant community type and development stage, canopy cover, hydrography, soils, slope, aspect, and elevation. The initial mapping shall be based on the Fire Risk Assessment Model contracted by the Florida Division of Forestry for completion in 2002. Mapping shall be reviewed annually and, as necessary, updated in response to changing fuel conditions.

      Policy 5.6.2 The County shall educate the public, especially those at high risk from wildfires, and make them aware of proactive steps that they can take to mitigate wildfire damage.

      Policy 5.6.3 The County shall advance the directives and policies of local emergency management operational plans and the Alachua County Local Mitigation Strategy.

      Policy 5.6.4 The County shall implement a Firewise Medal Community Program that involves community fire preparation, evaluation and awards for program involvement. The County shall seek recognition of this program by the state Firewise Communities Recognition Program.

      Policy 5.6.5 Alachua County shall carefully consider all land uses in areas at risk from wildfire and restrict or prohibit certain land uses as necessary to assure public health, safety, and welfare and the protection of property. Land uses and specific development plans for which adequate wildfire mitigation cannot be provided, or that would preclude or severely limit the use of wildfire mitigation or natural resource management options such as prescribed fire, shall not be authorized in severe wildfire hazard areas.

      Policy 5.6.6 Development in wildfire hazard areas shall comply with the following minimum standards:

        All new development shall complete and implement a wildfire mitigation plan specific to that development, subject to review and approval by the Alachua County Fire Rescue Department, which shall be incorporated as part of the development plan approved for that development.

          a. The mitigation plan shall include project and parcel design features, such as defensible project perimeters, interior project fuel breaks, individual site defensible space, landscaping guidelines and plant material suggestions, and the placement of structures.

          b. The mitigation plan shall include provisions for periodic inspection by the County to verify construction, implementation, and maintenance of the wildfire mitigation features in accordance with the plan. The inspection period may range from once a year to once every three years depending upon the site conditions.

          c. The wildfire mitigation plan requirements shall be implemented for the entire life cycle of all developments requiring plans.

        Structures shall be designed to minimize the potential for loss of life and property from wildfires, through requirements for outdoor sprinkler systems, fire-resistant building materials or treatments, landscaping with appropriate vegetation species, and site design practices.

  3. Water storage facilities, accessible by standard fire-fighting equipment, shall be provided, dedicated, or identified for fighting wildfires. Where public supply is available, fire hydrants of sufficient pressure shall be required.

  4. Streets, roads, driveways, bridges, culverts, and cul-de-sacs shall be designed to assure access by fire fighting equipment, providing for weight class, cornering, turnaround and overhead clearance.

      Policy 5.6.7 The County shall pursue available funding for community/volunteer service programs for fuel management on lands owned or managed by Alachua County.

      Policy 5.6.8 The County shall implement a fuels management program that consists of the following:

      1. Practices such as prescribed burning, mechanical fuel reduction, and thinning, as necessary and appropriate to reduce wildfire hazards consistent with natural resources protection.

      2. Increased public awareness of the benefits of prescribed burning and the inevitability of resulting smoke.

      3. Acknowledgment by occupants in areas where prescribed burning is appropriate that they have been infontled that prescribed burning may be used to manage wildfire hazards and that smoke will be present.

      4. Special focus on the wildland-urban interface as an area exposed to wildfire hazard.

Contact Information

For additional information, please contact, via email, Will Gray May, or contact him at:

Will Gray May, Jr.
Emergency Services Director
Department of Alachua County Fire Rescue Services
P.O. Box 548
Gainesville, FL 32602
Office: 352/384-3116
FAX: 352/384-3159

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