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The national database of state and local wildfire hazard mitigation programs serves as a clearinghouse of information about nonfederal policies and programs that seek to reduce the risk of loss of life and property through the reduction of hazardous fuels on private lands. If you would like to submit a program to the national wildfire programs database, please complete the following form (MS Word).
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Title: Archuleta County, CO -- Ordinance for Subdivision Design Standards
Type: Regulatory
Designation of high risk areas
Jurisdiction: County
State: Colorado
Program Description: Archuleta County requires that developers mitigate wildfire hazards before receiving final plat approval from the County Planning Office. Archuleta County is creating a database of wildfire hazard areas shown on maps, using GIS software.

The site development standard may be viewed in its entirety at the following web site for Archuleta County.

Below are the relevant excerpts that relate to vegetation management for the reduction of risk from wildfire:

4.1 Purpose and Intent:

Each new subdivision platted in Archuleta County will, to some degree, influence the character, environment, cost of services and maintenance, and other factors pertaining to the land subdivided and the surrounding areas. Each lot should provide a desirable setting for construction so that natural features of the land may be preserved, views protected, privacy permitted, and undesirable conditions minimized. Provision for flood channels, open spaces, parks, schools, transportation, fire and police protection, and similar community facilities may be required depending on the location and density of each development. The following design standards will guide the subdivider and provide a basis for determining adequacy and acceptability of proposed subdivisions.

Site Development Standards for Conditional Use/Limited Impact Use Permits

Wildfire Hazard Areas-The County shall not approve any development plan if the proposed project is located an identified wildfire hazard area, or is suspected by the County to be in a wildfire hazard area, unless the developer can submit adequate evidence, prepared by a qualified professional forester, that the proposed project meets the following criteria:

    (a) Any project in which residential activity is to take place shall be designed so as to minimize significant hazards to public health and safety or to property.

    (b) All projects shall have adequate roads for emergency service by fire trucks, fire fighting personnel and firebreaks or other means of mitigating conditions conducive to fire.

    (c) Precautions required to reduce or eliminate wildfire hazards shall be provided for at the time of initial development.

    (d) The subdivision will adhere to the Guidelines and Criteria for Wildfire Hazard Areas promulgated by the Colorado State Forest Service.

    (e) Consideration shall be given to the recommendations of the Colorado State Forest Service resulting from review of a proposed subdivision in a wildfire hazard area.

If the proposed subdivision lies in an identified wildfire hazard area, or is suspected by the Planning Commission to lie in a wildfire hazard area, the subdivider shall submit the following information certified by a qualified professional forester:

  1. Maps or overlays portraying the existing wildfire conditions of the area with particular attention given to the effects of slope, topographic and vegetative (living and dead) conditions. Such maps shall be on a scale sufficiently detailed to meet the objectives of these regulations.

  2. The procedures proposed to reduce or control conditions of wildfire hazard.

  3. The fire protection plan for the proposed land use including all fire suppression facilities, which are necessary to meet the objectives of these regulations.

  4. Plat notes on the Preliminary Plan map and Final Plat stating that such a hazard exists.

Contact Information

For additional information, please contact:

Archuleta County Planning Department
P.O. Box 1507
Pagosa Springs, CO 81147
Phone: (970) 264-5851
Fax: (970) 264-4896

Blair Leist, Director of County Development
Email: [email protected]
Sponsored by the USDA Forest Service / Southern Research Station
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