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The national database of state and local wildfire hazard mitigation programs serves as a clearinghouse of information about nonfederal policies and programs that seek to reduce the risk of loss of life and property through the reduction of hazardous fuels on private lands. If you would like to submit a program to the national wildfire programs database, please complete the following form (MS Word).
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Title: Mesa County, CO -- Land Development Code - General Site Planning Standards
Type: Regulatory
Jurisdiction: County
State: Colorado
Program Description: The Mesa County Land Development Code standards have been in effect since May 2000 and apply to new construction in areas within the County determined to be at risk from wildfire. The code requires the creation and maintenance of defensible space in such areas to reduce risk to human life and property.

The sections of the Mesa County Land Development Code Chapter 7 relevant to wildfire risk reduction through vegetation management are presented below. The Code may be viewed in its entirety at the web site.

�7.6 | General Site Planning Standards

New construction shall comply with the following standards, unless compliance with a particular standard would (1) prevent the construction of any permanent structure for a primary use on the land, or (2) require the construction to violate another requirement of this Land Development Code. Where more than one buildable site exists on a parcel and all buildable sites would violate at least one of the following standards, the construction shall be located so as to comply with as many standards as possible. These standards are considered reasonable for regulatory purposes and do not create liability on the part of, or a cause of action against, the Board of County Commissioners.

Note: see the figure below.

Land subject to hazardous conditions such as wildfire, land slides, gamma radiation, mud flows, rock falls, snow avalanches, possible mine subsidence, shallow water table, open quarries, floods, and polluted or nonpotable water supply, shall be identified in all applications, and development shall not be permitted in these areas unless the application provides for the avoidance of the particular hazards. If avoidance is impossible or would require the construction to violate other development standards, then such hazards shall be minimized or mitigated. Land subject to severe wind and water erosion shall be identified on all plans and shall not be subdivided unless the problems are mitigated by density limitation or some other practical method.

7.6.2 I Slope Conditions

Only after a subsurface soils investigation conducted by a licensed professional civil engineer is reviewed by the Colorado Geological Survey and the licensed professional civil engineer has adequately addressed the recommendations of the Colorado Geological Survey to the satisfaction of the Mesa County Building Department, may new structures be built on any parcel of land within a building envelope, (i.e., within 25 feet of any portion of the proposed structure) that contains an average sJope of 30 percent or more, as measured from the points with the highest and lowest elevation.

Cuts, fills, grading, excavation, vegetation removal, and building construction shall be confined to the footprint of the proposed building plus a working area of 30 feet around each such footprint, plus any site disturbance necessary for installation and maintenance of utilities, access ways, trails, irrigation ditches, and fences, and for landscaping, agriculture, and similar activities. Any site disturbances that remove existing vegetation from a property and leave large areas of soil exposed for more than 60 days shall not be permitted unless an erosion control and revegetation plan has been previously approved by the Planning Director and Public Works Department.

7.6.3 I Wildfire


A. Defensible Space

All new development located on lands rated as medium or higher wildfire hazard (as shown on the Mesa County Wildfire Hazards Map), and areas immediately surrounding new residential construction which is located within or on the edge of natural areas containing predominandy woods or brush, shall be developed so as to minimize the potential for the structures to be ignited by fire, or for a structure fire to ignite surrounding structures or vegetation. Such areas shall be developed and managed pursuant to the two part zone system set forth below.

Chapter 7/ Development Standards

B. Zone 1

On parcels of land that contain an average slope of less than 30 percent, Zone 1 shall consist of the 30-foot area immediately surrounding the primary structure, not to extend beyond the property line. On parcels of land that contain an average slope of 30 to 55 percent, Zone 1 shall consist of the area extending 45 feet to the sides and up slope of the primary structure and 60 feet down slope of the primary structure, not to extend beyond the property line. On parcels of land that contain an average slope of more than 55 percent, Zone 1 shall consist of the area extending 60 feet to the sides and up slope of the primary structure and 120 feet down slope of the primary structure, not to extend beyond the property line. For purposes of this provision, average slope shall be measured from the points with highest and lowest elevation within 25 feet of any portion of the footprint of the proposed primary structure. No dead trees or other dead vegetation may remain in Zone 1 at the time of initial construction. Zone 1 shall be further subdivided into two segments:

1) Segment A shall consist of the five feet immediately surrounding all sides of the structure. All vegetation shall be removed from this area at the time of initial sale. No new vegetation shall be planted in Segment A if the structure is sided with combustible materials such as wood or logs. However, if noncombustible siding is used, low-growing shrubs may remain or be installed. In no case may shrubs be planted so as to be contiguous with grass areas. No above-ground propane tanks, firewood or other combustible materials may be installed or stored in Segment A.

Segment B shall consist of the area immediately beyond Segment A and continuing to the outer boundary of Zone 1. At the time of initial construction vegetation shall be thinned as follows to break up the horizontal and vertical continuity of fuels:

2. Spacing between clumps of brush or trees, as measured between the crown of each clump, shall be no closer than two times the height of the taller clump. The maximum width of any clump of brush or trees shall be no greater than two times the height of the clump. Thinned material shall be removed from the site; and

3. All branches of trees or brush shall be pruned to a minimum height of 10 feet above the ground or one-half the total height of the tree or bush, whichever is less. Pruned material shall be removed from the site.

Propane tanks and firewood may be located in Segment B, but in no case shall such tanks and/or firewood be located within 20 feet of the primary structure. Propane tanks shall be located on gravel pads and shall not be located immediately adjacent to grass-covered areas.

C. Zone 2

Zone 2 shall consist of the area immediately beyond Zone 1 and extending to 75 feet from the primary structure, not to extend beyond the property line. Trees shall be initially thinned in this area to maintain a minimum of five feet between tree crowns. All dead trees must be removed from Zone 2 initial construction, and subsequent dead trees shall be removed annually, except that two dead trees per acre may remain to serve as wildlife habitat.

D. Maintenance

Persons owning, leasing, or otherwise maintaining new residential structures covered by provisions of this Land Development Code are responsible for proper maintenance of the defensible space. Maintenance shall include modifying or removing flammable vegetation, keeping leaves, needles, and removing other dead vegetative material annually from roofs of structures.

For additional information, please contact:

Mesa County Planning & Development Department, Keith Fife, Long Range Planner

Mailing Address:
P.O. Box 20,000
Grand Junction, CO

Telephone: (970) 244-1650

Email: [email protected]

Hours: 8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.
Monday - Friday

Sponsored by the USDA Forest Service / Southern Research Station
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