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The national database of state and local wildfire hazard mitigation programs serves as a clearinghouse of information about nonfederal policies and programs that seek to reduce the risk of loss of life and property through the reduction of hazardous fuels on private lands. If you would like to submit a program to the national wildfire programs database, please complete the following form (MS Word).
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Title: Southwest Oregon -- Firesafe Home Visit Program
Type: Homeowner assistance
Jurisdiction: County
State: Oregon
Program Description: Oregon Department of Forestry, Southwest Oregon District offers a free Fire Safety Home Visit to residents of the wildland/urban interface in Jackson and Josephine Counties. Trained Forest Officers evaluate the survivability of interface homes using an inspection form, the Hazard Checklist, which looks at the following criteria:


1. Address clearly visible and posted at each road/driveway intersection

Road/Driveway Access

1. Accessible to fire equipment
2. Access free of flammable vegetation
3. Adequate turnouts
4. Adequate water crossings
5. Turn-around area near home
6. Alternate escape route


1. Flammable vegetation removed from around the home
2. Other combustibles removed from around the home
3. Ladder fuels removed
4. Roof free of limbs and debris
5. Use of fire-resistant plants

Building Characteristics

1. Non-combustible roof
2. Vents and openings screened
3. Decks enclosed or screened underneath


1. Vegetation at power lines cleared
2. Vegetation around LPG tank cleared

Protection Resources

1. Alternate power/ generator
2. Water sources accessible

Other Considerations

Each potential hazard has a corresponding section for the Forest Officer to make recommendations for the homeowner to make improvements. Based on the established criteria, the Forest Officer classifies the home in one of the following categories:

    GREEN - With the help of firefighters, the home is LIKELY TO SURVIVE;

    YELLOW - With the help of firefighters, the home MAY SURVIVE;

    RED - Even with the help of firefighters, the home MAY NOT SURVIVE.

Residents are advised that while home survivability cannot be guaranteed, the recommendations made by the forestry specialists, if acted upon, could move the home into the "likely to survive" category.

The inspection forms are printed in triplicate, so that one copy can be left with the homeowner, one with the person conducting the Fire Safety Home Visit, and the third entered into a Department of Forestry database. The Hazard Checklist Database uses ACCESS text data, compatible with ARCVIEW software, so that maps can be produced showing the location of high risk homes.

Before conducting the home visit campaign, a publicity campaign was undertaken. Letters were sent to residents in targeted areas informing them of the free service, local print and television media advertised the service, and home visits were solicited at county fairs, cooperative fire prevention fairs and events, and at neighborhood meetings.

The Fire Safety Home Visit Program has been a great success. In the past four years, the Department of Forestry personnel have conducted almost 3,000 Home Hazard Surveys. One county within the Southwest District was so pleased with the program, that the County Commissioners have committed to fund seven seasonal Forest Officers for a six year period to provide these services during the winter months when they would normally be laid off. The Forest Officers are also writing hazard reduction plans under National Fire Plan grants.

Oregon Department of Forestry Southwest District maintains a website which contains information on preparing for wildfire season.

For more information, contact Brian Ballou at (541) 664-3328 or by email [email protected].

Sponsored by the USDA Forest Service / Southern Research Station
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