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The national database of state and local wildfire hazard mitigation programs serves as a clearinghouse of information about nonfederal policies and programs that seek to reduce the risk of loss of life and property through the reduction of hazardous fuels on private lands. If you would like to submit a program to the national wildfire programs database, please complete the following form (MS Word).
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Title: Tennessee Firewise Communities Medal Program
Type: Firewise community recognition programs
Jurisdiction: State
State: Tennessee
Program Description: Tennessee has developed a Firewise Communities Medal Program to address the needs of Wildland/Urban Interface areas. The program was developed by the Tennessee Department of Agriculture, Division of Forestry in cooperation with Cherokee National Forest, Tennessee Emergency Management Agency, TN Fire Chiefs, Volunteer Fire Departments and local governments.

Firewise Communities Medal Program

The Firewise Communities Medal Program recognizes and rewards those communities that have made efforts to plan for and to prevent a wildfire emergency. In order to qualify for the Medal Communities Program, the communities are required to complete the following:

  1. Prepare an Emergency Action Plan (EAP). A Model Prevention, Pre-Suppression and Preparedness Plan has been prepared by the Division of Forestry and provided as a sample to communities. The EAP is designed as a tool for the owner, developer, community association of a residential community, and government entities to learn of the inherent potential dangers which a wildfire might impose upon an unsuspecting public living within the wildland/urban interface. The guidelines outline the potential dangers and help organize a plan of action in cooperation with local emergency services to be implemented should an emergency arise.

  2. Obtain a copy of the National Fire Protection Association's 299, Standard for Protection of Life and Property from Wildfire from the Division of Forestry. This standard contains wildfire protection information along with a hazard evaluation form.

  3. Contact the Division of Forestry to assist in the hazard evaluation of the community. Once the evaluation is completed and the score assigned, the Division can recommend measures to improve the hazard rating (removing vegetation, improving access, etc.). Communities with a Wildfire Assessment Score of between 50 and 80 points will be eligible for recognition.

  4. Organize a safety committee which regularly discusses fire and safety concerns, and which hosts and annual community fire and safety educational program of approximately 4-8 hours.

  5. The Community receives recognition in the form of a certificate and plaque to post in a public place. The community may also be eligible for cost-share assistance to carry out some of the measures recommended by the Division.

Contact Information

For more information, contact Robin Bible via email, or call 615-837-5537.

Sponsored by the USDA Forest Service / Southern Research Station
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