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The national database of state and local wildfire hazard mitigation programs serves as a clearinghouse of information about nonfederal policies and programs that seek to reduce the risk of loss of life and property through the reduction of hazardous fuels on private lands. If you would like to submit a program to the national wildfire programs database, please complete the following form (MS Word).
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Title: Flagstaff Fire-wise Educational Program
Type: Education
Jurisdiction: City/town
State: Arizona
Program Description: The Flagstaff Fire Department conducts a wide range of educational activities. This is exemplified on their calendar of fire-wise related events which is located on their Fuels Management website.

Educational Events

Some of the events that are listed are:

    1. a fuel management symposium that the Flagstaff Fire Department is sponsoring,

    2. a three-week visit of the volunteer group, Labor of Love, (50 people) to participate in fuel management activities,

    3. four community presentations on how landowners can protect themselves and their property from wildfire,

    4. information and display booth on the City's fuel management program for State legislators and staff at the State capitol, and

    5. the opening of an urban nature trail that will include a self-guided walk highlighting fuel management, and restoration practices.

Presentation Materials

The Fire Department has created two PowerPoint presentations about the Flagstaff fuel management program. One presentation was created for briefing elected officials and partners and takes about 25 minutes to deliver, the other for homeowners and neighborhood associations, is a one hour presentation. The later can be found on this website.

Educational Publications

The Fire Department has prepared several publications for distribution to homeowners. These include a Wildfire Safety Checklist that lists twelve steps for homeowners, such as creating defensible space, clearly marking address and name of resident, ensuring adequate driveway width, using firesafe building materials, etc.

Another publication, Dollars and Sense About Your Trees, explains the adverse consequences of under-management of private forests from both a physical and economic perspective, and describes how land value varies with tree density. This publication was developed by the Colorado State Forest Service, but is promoted and distributed in the Flagstaff area by the Fire Department. A third publication, Firewise Plantscaping, stresses the importance of the proper selection, placement, and maintenance of landscape plants to help protect a home from an approaching wildfire.

Academic Publications

Two white papers have been prepared by the City's Fuels Management Officer, Paul Summerfelt. The first is The Wildland/Urban Interface, What's Really at Risk. This document provides a general overview of the risk wildfire poses for communities in terms of immediate losses and subsequent recovery. The paper also briefly describes the Flagstaff fuel management program.

The second white paper, the Flagstaff Interface Treatment Prescription, Results in the Wildland/Urban Interface, describes the components of the vegetation treatment program that has been implemented in Flagstaff. The paper highlights the silvicultural prescription being used, the method employed for designating tree removal, cutting techniques, utilization of wood from thinning operations, slash treatment, and pile and broadcast burning procedures.

For further information contact Paul Summerfelt or phone 928-779-7688.

Sponsored by the USDA Forest Service / Southern Research Station
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