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The national database of state and local wildfire hazard mitigation programs serves as a clearinghouse of information about nonfederal policies and programs that seek to reduce the risk of loss of life and property through the reduction of hazardous fuels on private lands. If you would like to submit a program to the national wildfire programs database, please complete the following form (MS Word).
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Title: Nevada County, CA -- Fire Safe Council
Type: Education
Jurisdiction: County
State: California
Program Description: The Fire Safe Council of Nevada County may be viewed at its website; it is part of the larger California Fire Safe Council network.

Established in the spring of 1998, the Nevada County Council is a voluntary organization dedicated to public education and protection of life, property, and natural resources from the effects of catastrophic wildland fires. The Council's membership includes numerous and varied stakeholder groups representing the business sector and homeowners as well as state and federal government agencies.

The Council has adopted a Vision Statement that states:

"Our Vision is a county where we are prepared for a catastrophic fire. We will have homes that have defensible space, adequate access and evacuation routes identified, response plans that citizens and responders know, fuel breaks at strategic points, and communication among agencies. The outcome will be that most of us will keep our homes, we will look around and see the damage, but not the blackened devastation catastrophic fires create. Our community will still attract visitors and pride, and no one will die while escaping with their loved ones. These are important goals and real concerns, that will take a cooperative effort with many people and players to convert this vision into reality."

Many of the Council's activities concern public education and outreach. The Council's Fire Safe Chat Program provides speakers for 2-hour presentations to neighborhood groups. These presentations cover important topics such as brush clearing, creating defensible space, creation of neighborhood Fire Safe areas, fire resistant landscaping, and evacuation planning.

Further, the Council's website contains excellent information to help educate property owners. For example, detailed information is provided for the selection of appropriate firesafe plants for landscaping. An excerpt from the Council's website:


"In 1963 the California State Legislature enacted the Public Resources Code 4291, which sets minimum clearance standards of 30-100 feet, or to the property line from structures, whichever is nearer.

First, remove flammable vegetation, including dry brush and living brush, from areas adjacent to structures. Then replace those brushy areas with 'greenbelts of vegetation that are highly resistant to fire.'

Though no plant is completely resistant to fire, plants with low fuel content can be the difference between safety and destruction. The Council provides a list of fire-resistant plants that are suitable for landscaping in the area climate."

Furthering the Council's outreach and educational mission is its technical assistance to the community. The Council has created several Fire Safe Council Volunteer Teams to physically assist property owners with vegetation removal to create and maintain defensible spaces. In addition, the Council has funds to provide free chipping and shredding to neighborhood groups who provide a coordinator to organize the event. A special "clean-up" program -- the Senior and Disabled Assistance Program is also available.

For more information about the Fire Safe Council of Nevada, please contact the group directly at:

Fire Safe Council of Nevada County
P.O. Box 1477
Nevada City, CA 95959
(530) 470-9193
Email: [email protected]
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