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The national database of state and local wildfire hazard mitigation programs serves as a clearinghouse of information about nonfederal policies and programs that seek to reduce the risk of loss of life and property through the reduction of hazardous fuels on private lands. If you would like to submit a program to the national wildfire programs database, please complete the following form (MS Word).
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Title: Los Angeles County Code: Section 1118 -- Activities in Hazardous Fire Areas
Type: Regulatory
Jurisdiction: County
State: California
Program Description: Fuel reduction and vegetation management standards are included in this Los Angeles County ordinance that regulates activities in Hazardous Fire Areas. The requirements are found in Title 32, Section 1118 of the County Fire Code. These vegetation management standards include creating and maintaining firebreaks and removal of dry grass and weeds from around structures, roadways, parking lots, and other areas accessible to the public.

Those sub-sections of the ordinance addressing fuel reduction are presented here. The ordinance may be view in its entirety at the following web site: Title 32 FIRE CODE, Section 1118.

1118.1 Intent
. The unrestricted use of grass, grain, brush, or forest-covered land, in certain hazardous fire portions of the jurisdictional area due to conditions tending to cause or allow the rapid spread of fires which may occur on such lands, or because of the inaccessible character of such lands, is a potential menace to life and property from fire. Therefore, it is the intent of this section to provide necessary safeguards to prevent the occurrence of fires and to provide adequate fire protection facilities to control the spread of fires which might be caused by recreational, commercial, industrial or other activities carried on in any hazardous fire area. (Ord. 95-0063 � 71 (part), 1995.)

1118.7 Fire Protection Facilities Required. Fire protection facilities required and conditions or limitations necessary to maintain reasonable fire safety may include but are not limited to the following:

(a) Adequate water supply, pumps, hydrants and hose.

(b) Firebreaks as necessary to prevent a fire on the premises from spreading to adjacent brush or grass-covered areas.

(c) Posting of "NO SMOKING" signs.

(d) Removal of dry grass and weeds from around buildings, along roadways and automobile parking areas, and other areas accessible to the public or participants of the activity.

(e) Provision of approved, competent fire safety officers or advisors to act as fire guards or fire watchers to patrol the area when such activity is taking place. See also Section 3210.

(f) Provision of adequate access roads and parking facilities to prevent congestion of public roads, to permit adequate means of egress for evacuation of the public or participants in event of emergency, and to permit movement of fire apparatus and equipment.

(g) Restriction or prohibition of activities during periods of high fire hazard weather conditions.

(h) Such fencing as is necessary to control the activity.

(i) Such other conditions, limitations, or provisions necessary to maintain reasonable fire safety. (Ord. 95-0063 � 71 (part), 1995.)

1118.14 Roadway Clearance. (a) Clearance of brush or vegetative growth from roadways shall be in accordance with Section 1117.10 of this Code.

(b) If the Chief determines in any specific case that difficult terrain, danger of erosion, or other unusual circumstances make strict compliance with the provisions of the Code undesirable or impractical, he may suspend enforcement thereof and require reasonable alternative measures. (Ord. 95-0063 � 71 (part), 1995.)

1118.17 Fire Roads and Firebreaks. (a) No person, except public officers acting within the scope of their duties shall travel upon, or drive or park any motorcycle, motor scooter, or motor vehicle upon any fire road or firebreak beyond the point where travel is restricted by a cable, gate, or sign, without the permission of the property owner or owners involved.

(b) No person shall park any vehicle so as to obstruct the entrance to any fire road or firebreak.

(c) No person shall install or maintain a radio or television aerial, or guy wire thereto, or any other obstruction on any fire road or firebreak, which is less than sixteen feet above such fire road or firebreak. (Ord. 95-0063 � 71 (part), 1995.)

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