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The national database of state and local wildfire hazard mitigation programs serves as a clearinghouse of information about nonfederal policies and programs that seek to reduce the risk of loss of life and property through the reduction of hazardous fuels on private lands. If you would like to submit a program to the national wildfire programs database, please complete the following form (MS Word).
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Title: Calaveras County, CA-- Fire and Life Safety Regulations
Type: Regulatory
Jurisdiction: County
State: California
Program Description: Standards for fuel reduction and vegetation management to reduce the risk to life and property from wildfires are found under Title 8 (Health and Safety), Chapter 8.10 (Fire and Life Safety Regulations) of the Calaveras County Code. These requirements are found in subsections that address the setback of structures for defensible space; maintenance of defensible space; and creation of greenbelts.

The Fire and Life Safety Regulations, Chapter 8.10 of the Calaveras County Code, may be viewed in its entirety at: Chapter 8.10 FIRE AND LIFE SAFETY REGULATIONS.

Those subsections that contain standards for vegetation management are presented below:

8.10.120 Setback of structures for defensible space.

A. All parcels one acre and larger shall provide a minimum thirty-foot setback for buildings and accessory buildings from all property lines and/or the center of a road.

B. For projects containing parcels of less than one acre, a thirty-foot setback shall be required from the exterior boundaries of the project when the project adjoins agricultural land and/or parcels currently zoned one acre or larger at the time of project submittal.

C. For parcels less than one acre, the same practical effect shall be provided in order to achieve defensible space. (Ord. 2226 �1(part), 1992).

8.10.130 Maintenance of defensible space measures.

A. To ensure continued maintenance of properties in conformance with these standards and measures and to assure continued availability, access and utilization of the defensible space provided for in this chapter during a wildfire, provisions for annual maintenance shall be included in the development plans, fire management plans, and/or shall be provided as a condition of the permit, parcel or map approval.

B. Fuel modification may be required along driveways through the modification of ground fuels over eighteen inches in height, by providing for and maintaining tree and shrub separations to reduce the amount of fuel loading. Elements of this provision may be required within ten feet of the edge of the driveway. (Ord. 2226 �1(part), 1992).

8.10.140 Greenbelts.

Subdivisions and other developments which propose greenbelts as part of the development plan shall locate the greenbelts strategically, as a separation between wildland fuels and structures. The locations shall be approved by the board. (Ord. 2226 �1(part), 1992).

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