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The national database of state and local wildfire hazard mitigation programs serves as a clearinghouse of information about nonfederal policies and programs that seek to reduce the risk of loss of life and property through the reduction of hazardous fuels on private lands. If you would like to submit a program to the national wildfire programs database, please complete the following form (MS Word).
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Title: Tulare County, CA -- Fire Safe Council
Type: Fuelbreaks
Jurisdiction: County
State: California
Program Description: The Tulare County Fire Safe Council is comprised of a varied group of stakeholders within the County including representatives from various community associations, the California Department of Forest and Fire Prevention (CDF), the U.S. Forest Service and others. The Council is a part of the larger, statewide California Fire Safe Council Network.

The Tulare County Fire Safe Council is active in outreach efforts to the surrounding communities for fuel reduction. As part of this outreach mission, the Council assists local groups such as the Camp Nelson Fire Safe Council with demonstration projects. During one recent demonstration project, the County Council and local group reported that most homeowners were pleased with the results of the vegetation removal project. The Council received help from the U.S. Forest Service through the participation of a brush cutting crew who chipped some of the cut material into useable mulch. The remaining cut material was to be burned during the winter months.

The Council's outreach efforts involve surveying property owners regarding creating a shaded fuel break around the Pierpoint community. The Council reports on their website that they have received roughly 50% favorable responses from residents. The proposed shaded fuel break project would coincide with the "Fire Safe Council Demonstration Project, the USFS fuel break and CDF Grant funds to protect the Communities at Risk" mentioned in the Tulare FSC June 26, 2001 meeting report.

The Turlare FSC maintains a program of meeting with homeowner associations and neighborhood groups to help residents make their communities more fire safe. These presentations address methods of disposal of cleared brush and practical instruction on how to create and maintain at least a 30-foot clearance of defensible space around their homes, as required by state law.

For more information about the Tulare County Fire Safe Council, please contact:

Julie Clark
Office: (559) 627-3708
Fax: (559) 627-3821
Jim Hall
California Dept. of Forestry
1968 S. Lovers Lane
Visalia, CA 93292

You may also view the California Fire Safe Council Network for more information.

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