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The national database of state and local wildfire hazard mitigation programs serves as a clearinghouse of information about nonfederal policies and programs that seek to reduce the risk of loss of life and property through the reduction of hazardous fuels on private lands. If you would like to submit a program to the national wildfire programs database, please complete the following form (MS Word).
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Title: Monterey County, CA -- General Plan (Public Review Draft, 12/18/01)
Type: Regulatory
Designation of high risk areas
Community Planning
Jurisdiction: County
State: California
Program Description: The Monterey County General Plan (Public Review Draft, 12/18/01) contains Goal HS-3, dealing with fire hazards. The Goal is "to minimize the risk of loss of life, injury, and damage to property and natural resources resulting from fire hazards". The County has included several policies and actions designed to further this goal.

These policies include HS-3.1, Fire Mapping. "The High and Very High Hazard areas shall be as delineated on the Fire Hazard Severity Classification Map, 2001 or as amended through subsequent mapping efforts. The County shall update the maps as needed to reflect current conditions. Those parcels identified as within High and Very High Risk areas shall include urban wildland interface areas. Fire hazard criteria shall be the current fire hazard rating system of the CA Division of Forestry."

Policy HS-3.4 entitled, Project Review states: "The County shall review project proposals to identify potential fire hazards and ensure that development in high fire hazard areas is designed and constructed in a manner that minimizes the risk from fire hazards. Projects shall be referred to the appropriate local fire agencies for review of compliance with fire safety standards and Volume 1 of the current edition of the Uniform Fire Code and the Uniform Building Code, Fire Hazards Policy."

Policy HS-3.5 concerns "Fire Hazard Reduction Measures". It states, "The County shall require fire hazard reduction measures to be incorporated into the design of development. Fire hazard reduction shall be achieved by a 30-foot setback of the structure from native vegetation. Additional mitigation measures shall include fire-resistant construction materials particularly on eaves, balconies, unenclosed roofs and floors; fire-resistant landscaping; cleared firebreaks separating communities or clusters of structures from native vegetation. If a setback is not feasible, a long-term comprehensive vegetation and fuel management program shall be implemented. Proposed trail easements in high and extreme fire hazard areas shall be designed to provide effective firebreak zones and emergency vehicle access where feasible."

Policy HS-3.9 deals with "Educating Property Owners." The policy states "The County shall work with local fire agencies to develop fire prevention programs including education programs and voluntary home inspections for owners of homes in high or very high fire hazard areas or owners of legal lots of record that seek to construct buildings in these areas, so that informed choices can be made and preventive measures can be in place."

Policy HS-3.12, "Subdivision Design" states: "Homes shall be sited near one another to the extent practical to reduce the need for multiple response teams during fires. New developments in high and very high fire hazard areas shall maintain open areas large enough to allow for controlled burns and other vegetation management programs."

Policy SH-3.13, "Defensible Space" states: The County will "work with homeowners to improve fire safety and defensibility on developed parcels. Defensible space shall be required around all structures in high and very high fire hazard areas. All new swimming pools shall be plumbed to allow connection to fire fighting equipment, if requested by the local fire jurisdiction. Road maintenance agreements for all new private subdivision roads shall be required."

The full text of the General Plan Draft may be viewed at the following web site: General Plan Draft.

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