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The national database of state and local wildfire hazard mitigation programs serves as a clearinghouse of information about nonfederal policies and programs that seek to reduce the risk of loss of life and property through the reduction of hazardous fuels on private lands. If you would like to submit a program to the national wildfire programs database, please complete the following form (MS Word).
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Title: Napa Valley County, CA: Urban-wildland Interface Development Code
Type: Regulatory
Jurisdiction: County
State: California
Program Description: A new Article 5 entitled "Urban-Wildland Interface Development Requirements" has been added to the Fire Code of Napa Valley County, California. The County Fire Code is found in Chapter 15.32 of Title 15 (the Building and Construction section) of the County Code. The new Article 5 includes sections establishing "Fire Hazard Severity Zones", and standards within these zones for building codes, vegetation management, creating wildfire refuge areas, and placement of buildings and property line setbacks.

15.32.170 Article 5 added--Urban-wildland interface development requirements.

A new Article 5, Urban-wildland interface development requirements is added to the fire code to read as follows:



501.1 Scope
. The provisions of this Article establish requirements or provide information material to mitigate the risk to life, property, and resources from wildfire exposure, provide defensible space around buildings located in fire hazard severity zones, and to mitigate the risk of structure fires spreading to the wildland.


505.1 Scope.

505.1.1 General
. To reduce the intensity of a wildfire, reduce the wildfire exposure threat to urban-wildland interface buildings, increase safety for emergency fire fighting operations and evacuating civilians, provide defensible space around urban-wildland interface buildings, and provide points of attack against wildfire vegetation fuel management shall be in accordance with Section 505.

505.2 When Required. Vegetation management is required around new and existing buildings and structures located in fire hazard severity zones pursuant to California Public Resources Code Section 4291 and enforced by the California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection (see Sections 502, above and Appendix III-F on file with the Clerk of the Board).

505.3 When Proposed. A development project may propose, or a discretionary development approval may be conditioned for, compliance with additional vegetation fuel management subject to California Environmental Quality Act.

505.4 Vegetation Fuel Management Plans. This plan shall be used for controlling, changing or modifying wildland areas, beyond defensible space perimeters, for safety from wildfires to the benefit of the users, surrounding community and wildlands. A vegetation fuel management plan reduces the amount of fuel available for wildfire, reducing the probability of a rapidly spreading wildfire.

Vegetation management plans shall be submitted to the Chief for review and approval when required as part of a discretionary development, and shall be subject to the approval of the Director of the Conservation, Development and Planning Department upon request. Vegetation management plans shall describe all actions that will be taken to prevent a fire from being carried toward the building. A vegetation fuel management plan shall include at least the following information:

1. A copy of the site plan.

2. Methods and timetables for controlling, changing or modifying areas on the property. Elements of the plan shall include removal of slash, snags, vegetation that may grow into overhead electrical lines, other ground fuels, ladder fuels and dead trees, and the thinning of live trees.

3. A plan and legal instruments for maintaining the proposed fuel-reduction measures.

In setting specifications for a vegetation fuel management plan the Chief may be guided by Appendices III-G & III-H.

505.5 Fire Resistive Landscaping Vegetation. See Appendix III-H.

505.6 Greenbelts. Subdivision and other developments, which propose greenbelts as a part of the development plan, shall locate said greenbelts strategically, as a separation between wildland fuels and structures. The locations shall be approved by the Chief and subject to approval by the Director of the Conservation, Development and Planning Department.


507.1 Scope
. Building setback from property line requirements of Section 507 shall apply to all new buildings, including accessory buildings, constructed in fire hazard severity zones.

507.1.1 General. Building setback from property lines shall be provided in accordance with Section 507 to provide sufficient land under the control of the building owner/occupant to allow for vegetation fuel management to reduce the severity of wildfire exposure to buildings located in the urban-wildland interface area.

507.2 Requirements

507.2.1. Setbacks
. All newly constructed buildings, including replacement buildings, in fire hazard severity zones shall be located with at least 30 feet of setback from property lines and/or road center lines.

EXCEPTION: Where County zoning permits building setback of less than 30 feet, building setback may be reduced to 5 feet with incorporation of the ignition resistant construction provisions of Section 504, achieving the same practical effect of greater vegetation fuel management to reduce wildfire exposure to buildings. (Ord. 1160 � 3 (part), 1999)

The new Article 5 may be viewed in its entirety at it's web site.

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